It has been another fantastic year training hundreds of geo-environmental specialists, consultants, directors, and graduates on the principles of ground gas protection. We are therefore delighted to announcement our webinar and A – Z of Ground Gas training dates for 2023.
But first, here is some feedback from 2022 that’s worthy of sharing.
From webinar attendees
“It is always much appreciated when I get an invite to attend a GGS webinar, and I always find that I learn something new or your webinar refreshes something I have forgotten over time. Thank you.”
“The level of detail given by the knowledgeable presenter on mine gases and risk was outstanding. Thank you for organising this webinar and looking forward to future sessions.”
“Exceptional in content and delivery. Whilst I am pretty familiar with Gorebridge, Simon’s explanation was the best I have heard or read. Well done!”
“Really good introduction and use of case studies to present pertinent information. Speaker was brilliant.”
“Excellent presentation and progression, with brilliant answers provided to open floor questions at the end. Thank you!”
From A – Z of Ground Gas delegates
“Excellent team, great rapport and energy with each other. Great delivery of course materials. Extremely helpful and knowledgeable. Really enjoyed the course, highly recommend to anyone.” CLO, Colchester Borough Council
“Extremely good and very comprehensive course. Found it to be very useful. Particularly the installation and verification parts.” Geo-environmental Consultant, BRD Environmental Ltd
“Really enjoyed the two-day seminar and will take away some valuable information to use going forward with design of gas membranes. I look forward to reviewing the slides from both days and apply learning in due course.” Director, Franki Foundations LTD
Webinars for 2023
Continuous monitoring and a detailed ground gas risk assessment – Can it really reduce costs? 10:30 am February 22, 2023. Register here.
What does multiple lines of evidence look like for ground gas? 10:30 am April 19, 2023. Register here.
Verification of ground gas protection – How to do it well 10:30 am May 10, 2023. Register here.
Ground gas monitoring for land development – Maximising value 10:30 am August 16, 2023. Register here.
Radon – The hazard and managing the risk 10:30 am October 11, 2023. Register here.
2023 A-Z of Ground-Gas – 2 day training dates
St. Albans: Tuesday 14th – Wednesday 15th March
Birmingham: Tuesday 16th – Wednesday 17th May
Edinburgh: Tuesday 13th – Wednesday 14th June
Newcastle: Tuesday 12th – Wednesday 13th September
Llandrindod Wells: Tuesday 17th – Wednesday 18th October
Chester: Tuesday 28th – Wednesday 29th November
Click here to book online or here for the booking form. Alternatively, please click here to email to Katie Bennett.
If you would like information on training dates for 2023, please click here to email Steve Jay.
The following pages include news articles, videos, guidance notes and white papers on a range of ground gas related topics which we hope you will find of interest. Please browse through but if you can’t find something on your particular issue of interest, we’d be very pleased to hear from you so we can put that right.
GGS is proud to share that it has become a founding member of the Environmental Industries Association. The Environmental Industries Association (EIA) has been set up to raise awareness on environmental issues. Keep on reading here.