Our specialist indoor monitoring services are tailored to the specific needs our of client.
Some of our key services include air quality assessments and radon monitoring to identify any issues requiring on-going management. This can include issues arising from radon, ground gas from contaminated land or landfills or VOC vapours.
We can also provide detailed building survey and appraisal of existing gas protection systems and radon mitigation options appraisal.
Using our services can help:
At GGS we pride ourselves on providing a professional, expert and bespoke service to our clients. Our GGS family of experts will work with you to understand your specific needs and tailor our services to exactly what your particular project requires.
Our commitment to continuous innovation means we provide our clients with the very latest, and very best, of what ground gas monitoring, assessment and reporting has to offer.
GGS has worked with clients for over 10 years, delivering the highest quality of service.
Read more about our projects below.